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Review of fever and febrile convulsion rates in children after trivalent influenza vaccine.
Title of Proposed Research
Review of fever and febrile convulsion rates in children after trivalent influenza vaccine.
Lead Researcher
Dr Jean Li-Kim-Moy, MBBS, FRACP
National Centre for Immunisation Research and SurveillanceThe Children's Hospital at WestmeadSydney, AU
Funding Source
Department of Health and Ageing, Australia
Potential Conflicts of Interest
Lead Researcher: None
Researcher 1: Robert Booy has received funding from CSL, Roche, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Wyeth to attend and present at scientific meetings; any funding received is directed to a research account at The Children's Hospital at Westmead
Researcher 2: None
Management of Real or Potential Conflicts of Interest
Full and complete disclosure of interests when the research is presented and published.
Data Sharing Agreement Date
08 September 2014
Lay Summary
Influenza is a common respiratory infection which particularly troubles the elderly and children, in whom there is a significant health burden. Each winter, large numbers of children are assessed in emergency departments or admitted to hospital. Whilst influenza is usually mild and self resolving, it rarely can cause serious or life threatening illness. Increasingly more countries, including the United States, are recommending universal influenza vaccination of children.
There is very little published data summarising safety aspects of trivalent influenza vaccines in children, such as fever. This was brought to light due to an unexpected observed increase in fever and febrile convulsions in influenza-vaccinated children during the 2010 Australian influenza season. This was subsequently attributed to bioCSL's Fluvax and Fluvax Junior products. Public confidence in influenza vaccination and vaccination rates in children have dropped as a result.
There is a need to gain further understanding of influenza vaccine safety in the paediatric population. In a systematic review we have conducted, we have investigated fever, febrile convulsion rates, and serious adverse events (SAEs) using published and unpublished randomised controlled clinical trials and observational studies. This has highlighted the major difficulties of comparing published data due to each study's variable methods (such as definitions of fever, age ranges of participants, and length of monitoring), and the limited summaries of results available in published reports.
To further clarify the situation, our aim is to obtain individual-level data from clinical trials of paediatric influenza vaccines to allow much more effective comparison between studies. We hope to be able to summarise, on a descriptive level, information about fever including its frequency and severity, when it occurs after vaccination, and what effect, if any, do preventative or treatment doses of fever medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen have on these rates.
Individual level data will allow these results to be analysed and pooled as appropriate and descriptively reported. It is hoped to incorporate the individual level data from GSK and other companies' influenza studies into a systematic review on the topic.
Study Data Provided
[{ "PostingID": 225, "Title": "GSK-111751", "Description": "Immunogenicity and safety of GSK Biologicals' thimerosal-free TIV flu vaccine versus a licensed comparator in children" },{ "PostingID": 1503, "Title": "GSK-113275", "Description": "Immunogenicity and Safety Study of GSK Biologicals' Influenza Vaccine GSK2321138A When Administered in Children" },{ "PostingID": 1534, "Title": "GSK-100351", "Description": "To determine the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of a thiomersal free trivalent influenza split vaccine 2003/2004 or of GSK Biologicals' standard formulation Influsplit SSW®/Fluarix™ 2003/2004 in children aged from 6 months until 6 years" },{ "PostingID": 1540, "Title": "GSK-104858", "Description": "A phase III, single-blind, randomized study to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of Fluarix® (GSK Biologicals) compared with Fluzone® (Aventis Pasteur/Sanofi) administered intramuscularly in children (6 months and older)" },{ "PostingID": 1609, "Title": "GSK-114541", "Description": "Efficacy study of GSK Biologicals' quadrivalent influenza vaccine, GSK2282512A, (FLU Q-QIV) when administered in children" },{ "PostingID": 1610, "Title": "GSK-113314", "Description": "Immunogenicity and Safety Study of GSK Biologicals' Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine (GSK2282512A) When Administered in Children" },{ "PostingID": 1611, "Title": "GSK-112999", "Description": "Immunogenicity & safety study of GSK Biologicals' thimerosal-free trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV) versus a licensed comparator in children" }]
Statistical Analysis Plan
This research will predominantly be a descriptive study of fever and febrile convulsion within relevant clinical trials. We will analyse individual level data and provide fever and febrile convulsion rates with confidence intervals according to vaccine type (adjuvanted versus non adjuvanted), vaccine dose (0.25mL vs 0.5mL), and dose number (first or second) within standardised age groups (6 - 35 months, 3 - 8 years, 9 - 17 years) and fixed time periods after vaccination (eg Day 0, 1, 2, 0-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3-7, >7).
We will investigate for factors which may be associated with the risk of fever and febrile convulsion by performing multivariate logistic regression analysis to examine within studies for predictors of fever eg by age, sex, vaccine type, vaccine dose, dose number, and co-morbidities.
If antipyretic and immunogenicity information is available within study data sets, we will investigate age-stratified groups of children with no antipyretic use, prophylactic antipyretic use, and treatment antipyretic use to describe whether immunogenicity or fever vary between these groups.
Our aim is primarily to examine trends to assist in hypothesis generation. Examining possible predictors of fever and febrile convulsion may allow more careful study of these factors in future prospective studies. As a result, formal statistical analysis will be restricted to assisting in determining important differences within study groups. Where required we will use independent t tests, chi squared tests or linear statistical models to examine these differences.
If possible, we will determine if findings can be generalised. We aim to assess and describe whether factors associated with fever (or febrile convulsion) are consistent across the individual vaccine trials.
We acknowledge that with differing study methods there will be missing data, and therefore we will only perform comparisons when sufficient data are present.
Publication Citation
Li-Kim-Moy, Jean, Wood, Nicholas, Jones, Cheryl, Macartney, Kristine, and Booy, Robert. (2018), Impact of fever and antipyretic use on influenza vaccine immune responses in children. 10.1097/INF.0000000000001949
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